Reiki is the directing of Universal Life Force Energy in order to heal, relax and/or balance our chakras—energy centers within us that govern the health of specific areas of our bodies.“Rei” translates from Japanese to “holy, spirit, mystery, gift, nature spirit, or invisible spirit.” “Ki” means “energy, nature, scene, talent or feeling.” Energy Healing is a branch of complementary and alternative medicine. Practitioners believe that a healer can channel healing energy into the person using different methods: hands-on, hands-off and distant.

Reiki is most commonly directed through a practitioner’s hands placed on an individual (who is fully clothed), though actual touch is not essential. Reiki energy can be directed over long distances to anyone around the world. It can also be directed to animals, plants or even inanimate objects, such as cars, televisions or computers. It usually results in feelings of soothing, warmth and comfort.

Chakra Opening and Balancing
I'll check the chakras in your body with my pendulum. If they are closed or blocked, I will assist in opening them back up and flowing in the right direction again. In this way we will rid your body of any trapped or stuck energies. I will also fill in your chakras with the appropriate healing energies, so there are no holes in them and they are balanced.

Crystal Energy Healing
Crystals have been used throughout history for healing. Crystals work with the human energy field and can move, absorb, focus, direct and diffuse energy within the body. Working with crystal energy helps the body to find it’s natural rhythm. Crystal energy healing is most often the placement of stones of different vibrational rates onto the body in order to effect healing and change. It may also include laying out different energy grids or specific patterns of crystals around the body. By using grids, the combination of the stones can enhance their individual properties and direct energy. In a Crystal Healing session, I use many different types of crystals to balance your body, this is always specific to you, and one session is never like another. Crystals are magnifiers of energy, capable of absorbing and enhancing energy. They can be programmed to assist us in almost anything. They are incredibly powerful and so should always be used with respect. They can focus and amplify energy. Crystals are alive like everything else in the universe. They vibrate at different levels depending on their composition and color. In crystal healing, I work in partnership with them by placing them on or near the body in order to effect healing change. They do this by allowing the rate of their vibration to effect change in the rate of the spinning energy centers of the chakras, clearing out any negativity and allowing them to function at peak capacity. We need to be in balance to be in perfect health. Crystals work with us to restore that balance. Memories can be held in our cells, joints and bones. As each cell in our bodies has consciousness, so it can hold memory. This is now being scientifically demonstrated by Quantum Physics. A good example of this concept can be found in the images of water crystals. Crystals can help to free up what has become stuck. Blockages in the flow of energy through the meridians or subtle energy pathways will cause illness or disease in the organs supplied by that meridian.

Crystal Singing Bowls
A form of vibrational therapy which validates that all matter based on an atomic structure, such as the human body, is in a state of vibration and the frequency at which an object or person most naturally vibrates is called a resonance. The chakras, bones and organs in the body all possess a different resonant frequency. When an organ or part of the body is vibrating out of "sync" or balance, "dis-ease" is created. A body is in a healthy state of being when each cell and each organ creates a resonance that is in harmony with the whole being. Edward Bach, MB, BS, D.P.H. author of Heal Thyself, An Explanation of the Real Cause and Cure of Disease, 1931, and founder of Bach Flower Remedies, clearly understood illness as a reflection of disharmony between the physical personality and the soul and stated that it is easy to cure by balancing the magnetic qualities of the higher subtle bodies. Through pure tone one can re-pattern the energy field organization that ultimately affects the cellular expression of disease or wellness. Crystal bowl music is all the more powerful as it can be programmed. Quartz crystal as a holographic light template is able to hold, transmit and receive thought forms and is fundamental to the memory "mother boards" of all computers. Vibrational medicine is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by blockage in the channels on some level, either in nadis, arteries, veins or nerves. When there is blockage, the organ in question cannot vibrate at a healthy frequency and thus it develops physical symptoms or illness. Through sound vibration one can break up, dissolve and release these blockages and thus improve symptoms in our physical body. Ultrasound has been used medically for almost two decades as a diagnostic tool by obstetricians and pediatricians while the baby is in the very early stages of fetal development and, more recently, ultrasound is being used to cleanse gall bladders and clogged arteries, or relax muscles. Ultrasound works on the same principle of light equals sound and tone equals radiance manifesting in form. Furthermore, quite simply, listening to the bowls puts one into an alpha brainwave state almost immediately. This state creates a relaxation of the mind and body. A relaxed, less stressed body and mind is a healthier body and mind. Each bowl plays a musical note that emits a specific frequency to the corresponding chakra in your body. The frequencies played send sound waves through your entire being and help heal and balance the chakras. Drum, Rattle, Music, Meditations & Morece

hakras. Drum, Rattle, Music, Meditations & More

The information contained on this website and other materials, is educational in nature. Reiki/Energy Healing is not a substitute for medical or professional health care. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider should you have any health concerns. Reiki, as for most holistic practices is recognized and has been used throughout the world for thousands of years.

A session runs 80 minutes.
Cost per session is $85.00
In addition you may choose to add to your session:

Bio-Mat: $30.00 for 30 minutes

Sound Healing: $30.00 for 30 minutes

Essential Oils: $30.00 for 30 minutes

Additional services only available at FLOW Energy Healing location.

Children sessions are available and run 60 minutes for $75.00

We offer on-site visits. Please contact us for more information. Travel fees may apply.

Distance Healing sessions runs 80 minutes. Cost per session is $85.00

Clients will be fully clothed and lie on my massage table. They can be covered over with a blanket if desired. I place my hands gently on the client according to where the Reiki is needed in addition to all of the chakras. I play relaxing music. Client will feel relaxed and calm.










Sound Healing
Many cultures recognize the importance of music and sound as a healing power. In the ancient civilizations of India, the Orient, Africa, Europe and among the Aboriginals and Amerindians, the practice of using sound to heal and achieve balance from within has existed for many years. The Tibetans still use bells, chimes, bowls, and chanting as the foundation of their spiritual practice. In Bali, Indonesia, the echoing gamelang, gong and drum are used in ceremonies to uplift and send messages. The Australian Aboriginals and Native American shamanists use vocal toning and repetitive sound vibration with instruments created from nature in a sacred ceremony to adjust any imbalance of the spirit, emotions or physical being.

Bio-Mat Session
The benefits of Far Infrared Rays are many. Some of which include: Powerful detoxifier Reduces stress and fatigue Relieves anxiety and promotes relaxation Improves sleep patterns Reduces inflammation Eases joint pain and stiffness Provides warm, soothing pain relief Eliminates toxins in the body Increases blood circulation Alleviates migraines and tension headaches Reduces allergy symptoms Improves immune system function Improves cardiovascular health Burns calories and controls weight Improves muscle tone and skin quality The Bio-Mat uses Far Infrared Rays aka (FIR) Amethyst crystals act as a carrier for long wave infrared rays that penetrate into the body 6-8 inches deep. Infrared rays not only benefit the muscles on the surface of the body, but all the cells including blood vessels, lymph glands and nerves. These rays vitalize the biological function of our cells and increase circulation, relieve neuralgia, backache, and arthritis pain and eliminate toxins and carbon dioxide from our blood. In addition, FIR wave treatments have been used for cancer, chronic pain, stress, numbness, joint pain, rheumatism, low blood pressure, diabetes and asthma. The FIR wave speeds up cellular metabolic processes and triggers enzyme activity, as well as the regeneration of damaged cell tissue. Far Infrared Rays are superior in the regulation of hormonal functions and acceleration of one’s immune system, and are beneficial for those who cannot exercise outdoors. The Bio-Mat is very relaxing and you will most likely have very vivid dreams when you fall asleep while using it. You will also sweat a lot which in turn releases all the toxins from the inside of your body. It is a very powerful tool!